Free Device Psd Mockups

When you want to show your website or app in a creative way, it’s best to show it in real life situations. That’s why mockups are so popular. People want to see what app looks like when someone is actually using it. A great way to do that is to use a Photoshop mockup of different devices that people use every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Nexis, Samsung Note, an iPhone, or an iPad. Mockups are more interesting to look at than flat screenshots of apps. I’ve put together a collection of 12 awesome free device PSD mockups you can use to show off your work. These free device PSD mockups are made by designers for designers. This is a great way to promote your new app.

5 MacBook Pro Retina Mockups

5-macbook-pro-retina-mockups: free device psd mockups

Nexus 5 Mockup

free device psd mockups: nexus-5

Mackbook Mockup

free device psd mockups: macbook mockups

Google Nexus 5 Perspective Mockup

free device psd mockups: Google-Nexus-5-perspective-mockup

iPhone 5C Mockup

free device psd mockups: iphone-5c

HTC One Mockup


iPhone 6 Mockup


Samsung Note 3 PSD Mockup


iPhone/iPad PSD Mockup


Nexus 5 Psd Mockup


Iphone 5 Mockup (5 Pack)


Flat Device Templates Psd


Which one of these free device PSD mockups were your favorite? I like the MacBook Pro at different angles. This is a great way to show off a client’s website in a professional looking way. It’s much less boring than looking at a flat screen shot. People get a better sense of what their website will look like when they actually see it on a device. It just helps to put it into perspective for the client and people that are interested in. Sometimes it can be difficult to get a sense of how something will actually look and react on the device without actually seeing it live.

If you like or download any of these free device PSD mockups, be sure to share their work via social media and help promote their skills. Most designers create mockups like these to help others and promote themselves at the same time. What better way to show off your skills than to create something useful than ever body will enjoy?