5 Best CSV to Post WordPress Plugins

When it comes to importing CSV files for WP, it can be a big challenge. But there are many tools that can help you instantly populate your site with c content from other databases. Imagine having to move thousands of users from one portal to another. Here are 5 best CSV to post WordPress plugins that can make your task easier.

1. CSV Importer


URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/csv-importer/

The CSV Importer imports posts from CSV files to your WP blog. It is the ideal plugin that lets you important a large number of posts from an Excel sheet. It is quite popular and has been downloaded almost a hundred thousand times.

2. WP All Import

CSV to Post WordPress Plugins

URL: www.wpallimport.com/

The WP All Import is a powerful plugin which can be used for importing almost any type of XML file. It is possible to set up custom post type to be used with this tool. You may otherwise use the standard posts or pages. The plugin allows you to select the fields from the loaded file that you want to be imported.

csv-2-post CSV to Post WordPress Plugins

3. CSV 2 Post

URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/csv-2-post/

One of the most popular CSV to Post plugins, the CSV 2 Post continues to have active development. The plugin is available in different membership packages. You can choose the package based on the size of your website or blog network. All the packages come with full-edition access and subscription for 1 year. CSV 2 Post lets you build your custom interface that is a little different from what conventional plugins for WP use.

4. User Meta


URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-meta/

This is much more than a CSV to Post WP plugin. It provides support for custom user profiles and you can also add more fields into the registration process. It is also possible to update existing user data with CSV file. Additional features of the plugin include front-end custom user login through e-mail or Username; user Profile widget, login and registration widget; e-mail verification, and auto user login.

Supra CSV

5. Supra CSV Importer

URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/supra-csv-parser/

Supra CSV Importer uses a custom interface and is an open source plugin with the code on Github. It is regularly updated thanks to its open form and a large contributing community. It is a more user-friendly plugin, and All you need to do is follow the instructions.

These are the leading CSV to post WP plugins that make it easier to upload tons of data onto your website or blog.