Install WordPress – Buy Hosting, Install WordPress and Your Theme, too – In 9 minutes or less!
Many people are intimidated when it comes to taking that first step to buying hosting, installing WordPress, and setting up their first WordPress theme. If you’re inexperienced with this it can be intimidating because you don’t know where to begin. Web hosting is an important choice; that’s why I always recommend Bluehost as the number one hosting provider. If you want to host a fast and stable website Bluehost is your web hosting company of choice. In today’s video I’m going to show you how to purchase web hosting with Bluehost, install WordPress on your domain and install your first WordPress theme in nine minutes. This means that you can set up your first WordPress website in under 10 minutes if you follow my video.
If you prefer to follow written tutorials then I would suggest that you go to Powerblogger (My other website) and follow the five minute set up guide there. This way you can read how to do this, if you learn better that way. First go to and click the getting started button. Fill in your information and purchase a hosting plan for a certain amount of time. Once you have completed the setup process log into your cPanel click on the WordPress icon, then click install. Choose your domain name from the drop-down menu, customize your username and password for your WordPress site, and install WordPress with one click of a button. Believe it or not, it’s that easy to create your own WordPress website. You will receive an email once WordPress has installed, which includes your username and password. Login to Login with your username and password and you’ll be let in to the WordPress dashboard. Click on Appearance, and then themes. Choose “add theme” to install your own theme. From here, you will choose your WordPress theme which should be a .zip file. Click upload and then and then choose activate and your WordPress theme will be installed. Next week, I will show you how to start setting up your WordPress site with a logo and I’ll show you how to create pages too.
Install WordPress: How’d You do?
It is incredibly easy and fast to set up your own hosting account and WordPress website. In fact you can do all of this and under 10 minutes or less. Did you have any trouble setting up your WordPress site? If you have any questions or concerns leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
Also, if You want a great deal on hosting, sign up by clicking on the banner below for special pricing.