Twenty Seven free Genesis child theme

Twenty Seven

I am glad to get back into writing regularly for Web Design Blog, so I thought I’d start off with sharing a new free theme I discovered just this morning. If you love Genesis as a theme framework, which I’ve written about on SitePoint, then you’ll be excited to know that there are really nice free themes out there. Today’s free theme is called Twenty Seven and it’s a minimal WordPress theme. It’s clean, sophisticated, and dead simple. The focus on this theme is more about typography and content that bells and whistles. Below, you’ll see a screenshot of the Twenty Seven Free Genesis Child Theme.

Twenty Seven WordPress theme footer

Key Elements

What I like about the theme is the centered logo, which is a nice touch. The type looks great, too. With the serif black type and the white background, it gives the content and the imagery a bigger opportunity to shine. I also like the bottom of the page, where it shows off a strip of 6 of your Instagram photos. This is a great way of showing off your social media, and getting traffic to your Instagram account. If you’re looking to build an Instagram following quickly, this would be the perfect theme for you.

Designed from top to bottom

Another reason I like Twenty Seven is because of the wide sidebar. I don’t know what the deal is with a lot of blog designs lately, but it seems like the sidebars are always too small. It’s like the sidebars are supposed to be an after thought. With this theme, it’s part of the main design, and it has plenty of room to breathe.

Download Now

To download the Twenty Seven Genesis Child Theme, click the link below. This will show you the demo, and the download link is there on the demo, making it easy to pick up. Enjoy!

Demo & Download


Twenty Seven Genesis Child Theme Review
  • Style
  • Features
  • Customization
  • Ease of Use


Overall The Twenty Seven Free Genesis Child theme is a quality child theme that allows you to integrate Instagram, which will greatly improve your social presence with your audience. It's a slick, elegant theme that focuses more on quality than bells and whistles.

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