GridBlog Free WordPress Theme

This week’s free WordPress theme comes from a theme company that is one of my personal favorites. They are known for making lightning fast themes and having super-helpful support. The company is named MyThemeShop, and they have created the GridBlog Free WordPress theme. This is a great theme for bloggers, of those who want to create an online magazine with a grid layout. Let’s take a look at the GridBlog Free WOrdPress theme and why it made the cut as theme of the week.

GridBlog Free WordPress Theme

It’s a Premium level Theme, But Free

You can’t beat that. MyThemeShop has some of the best features for your admin section. For example, you can customize header images, backgrounds, body background textures, and more. You can achieve a premium look, with just a few minor tweaks to the settings in the back end. You get access to layout settings, such as a right or left sidebar, and every theme they make is responsive. They are also constantly improving their themes, even the free ones.

GridBlog Free WordPress Theme - back-end

Additional Features

You can control aspects of your theme that you can’t control in most premium themes. Here is a list of things you can do:

  • Set a color scheme.
  • Turn footer widgets on and off.
  • Make footer widgets 3 or 4 columns.
  • Select the Background color for the footer.
  • Upload a footer image.
  • Add custom CSS for future-proof updates.
  • Insert header code and copyright text.
  • Control ads via widgets & add scripts above & below posts.
  • Control home page post categories & meta info.
  • You can control the location of social buttons without adding plugins!

It may be true that the excerpts tend to throw things off a little, but you can truncate the excerpt text or carefully craft a much shorter excerpt yourself. A shorter excerpt would look much better for the grid on the home page. You can also turn off and on meta information, making it easy to refine the look of your site.


The GridBlog free WordPress theme leaves little doubt as to why it is such a great choice for your site. You can customize so many different aspects of your site, directly from the back end panel. Having total control over your theme, even though it is free is a great feeling. You have all of the flexibility you need for a custom look and feel to your site. To view a live demo of the Gridblog free WordPress Theme, or to download it, click the links below.

Live Demo | Download